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About Me

It's a new year and I am still the same person as before. Somethings have change and I will tell you all about it. One thing that has change over the year are my classes. I now have a separate history class which I really like because it is so much more fun, and I really like walking to different classes. Another thing that has change is the places we eat, now people who go to the cafeteria stay there and the people who have lunches eat at the benches or inside a room. One last thing that has changed is the testing. Now we have part computer testing then we have essay writing. Out test also includes Social studies, and this time we finally have math.

Welcome back!!!!

It is a new year and I am now in Grade 6th!
 What I am doing


Science- In science we just finished our recent project Ocean currents and we are now doing the we are what we do project. The ocean current project was where we learned about surface temperature as well as the different currents around the globe. We have just started the we are what we do project but I will tell you about that later on.


Math- We have just finished our Cst as well as the performance test. I really hope I did well on the Cst test which is on computer but I am really hoping I did well on performance test. The performance test for us is writing the answer on the computer in essay form so I hope I explained my answers well.


Elective, Language Arts, History- In all these classes even the classes above this one is that we are all working on the we are what we do project. Basically what this is, is that you chose a topic that you want the world to do for the better. You have to get their attention somehow and by doing, that is by making video, ad, and campaign.

What have I done this year


Hereis a link to the the my lates Blog ------------------------


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