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Designer Species Project

In this project we were able to create a new species from a species that was already alive. We chose a species that needed help or just needed a new trait to survive. We chose a main coon. The main coon is a cat that has lots of fur and a large domestic cat.

The main coon was set into an environment (not in real life) where there was snow and mountains. The main coon already had lots f fur but it needed more as well as other traits. From the cold it got an under coat as well as having more fur. Me and my partner gave the main coon bigger clause and changed the color of the fur. We gave it all of these traits because we wanted it to survive because of the cold temperatures as well as other predators like snow leopards. That's why I made it bigger but both big and strong enough to be top predator. I think Me and my partner made the main coon just perfect to be a predatory of its area and its environment.

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