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In science we just finished our unit test. Now we have to finish two projects. First is building an Eco-friendly house then finishing this website. In the beginning I had to do a lot of projects like  doing weekly. My weekly blog challenge me a lot it always takes me a week to finish the blog and I usually do it after school. I have to do a lot of research and I always pick a topic that can have a positive impact. Every week I have learned new interesting things that help us in our every day life and contribute to our environment.


REFLECTION: Whatever we do in life there is always a connection in science. Having a knowledge in science is so important to us because we can have a big impact to our world. Here's what I've learn about science, I now know that it's exciting because it makes you think and understand on how everything works around you. It's also very useful because we can use science to develop new and useful technologies that will benefit everyone. It is ongoing as science continue to refine and expand our knowledge as it did to me when I did the project below. I was able to understand the different types of circuits and how each type of circuits works circuit works. I also gain so much knowledge on how electicity works and understand that you need to have enough power to light up the LED's and since there's too much power and by using a resistor you can drop down the power needed for the circuit. Science will continue to grow as we continue to participaye in the process of science. I  attached a  link below for you to check one of my blog.







Here's one of my favorite project the "SERIES PARALLEL CIRCUIT"





















Here's how the series/parallel circuit works


First the negative side of the battery goes through the resistor to bring down the voltage then it goes to the negative side of the LED then goes out to the positive side of the LED and so on. The first three LED is a series circuit if you take one of those LED all LED lights go out. The one in rows are a Parallel circuit if you take one of those out it's still a complete circuit, in other words all of them are still lit.Then it goes back to the positive side of the battery.

Here's one of my favorite Blog.--->

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