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Math Science Fair

I introduce you to LEDmArk the new revolutionary bookmark of the future. This science fair project was my favorite project to do in math because me and my partner worked real hard on this specific project. We made a product that had an LED light on the top and a two and one stylus pen. The point of this project is to create something that you would create in a science fair. The math portion was taking measurement of your product and the price. My favorite part is saying that we took something so ordinary and made it into something of the future.

An example of our product and some advertising lines, this is the revised version as well.


What makes this bookmark stand out the rest, obviously it lights up but what other features does this bookmark have? Our version has a pick out 2 in 1 stylus pen so you can write on things as well as you flipping pages in an E-Book, I mean what more can you ask. Our bookmark has LEDs at the top so it won't bother you read but still lighting up the whole book. Our bookmark is the best and you should get one when it is out on stores.

This is obviously my favorite project but my reason are that this project made me so creative and made be feel like I am creating something new and something cool. Creating the ledmark or even a product is really cool because it's something that you've made and it works perfectly fine. One big reason is because I was so interested in this. I really wanted to make an actual product that works other than just a sketch, that is how much I really liked this project.

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